Latest Projects

The research I did for both Age of Descent and Thin, Brittle, Mile came directly from the stories of people who’ve lived the lives of the characters in both books.  Young people who’ve been bullied, been bullies, been caught up in both sides of the knife crime problems.  Veterans, who’ve been to war, for us, for their country, but then had to fight their worst battles on their return home.
Despite the apathy felt towards British films at times, the second you tell people you’re making a film everyone wants to be involved.  The Great British Challenge gives our country, and beyond, the chance to be intrinsic in making possible films in The Joining Forces Campaign which allow veterans the chance to experience the solidarity and sense of ‘mission accomplished’ so missed from a life in service. 
Do cinemagoers ever stop to think about the art of the auteur, its origins, its meaning, its historical impact on the medium and the ripple effects that have carried through to this day?  Possibly not, it’s not the cinemagoer’s job or duty to dissect and analyse a film, especially not the first time they see it.  Their role is simply to be entertained, made to laugh, cry, fear, have their emotions elicited in whatever direction the film takes them. For the current hefty price of a cinema tick...
With the release of the AudioMovie for Age of Descent we launch the World Writers Showcase.  A platform to encourage the forgotten art of the writer. We are living in insane times.  As suffocating, harrowing and troubling as they can be, the one drop of positivity we can squeeze from our mad existence is that our current circumstances must surely lead to a return to the art of writing.  
Some stories find you. Perhaps on the flip side to writer’s block, there are some stories that nag at you, gnaw away, chewing up your creative insides until they come spilling out into the universe.
Without doubt the most joyous shoot I’ve ever experienced was the one day shoot for ‘Love of Words’ the first film in the Joining Forces Campaign – an initiative designed to give veterans the chance to have new life experiences, possible alternate career avenues and enjoy a similar form of camaraderie and solidarity as known in their previous life in the forces...

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The British Filmmakers Alliance

Talent is the lifeforce or any industry. To deny any industry its talent is to cut off its blood supply. Join the Alliance!

The World Writers Showcase

We will open the book.  Its pages are blank.  We are going to put words on them ourselves.

The Joining Forces Campaign

Uniting veterans and filmmakers for the benefit of all #BeAPartOfSomething.

The World Film Showcase

We love films and storytelling as a people.  It’s just a human compulsion to listen and to tell stories.

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Katharine Collins

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0207 887 2211

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